Военная история
Scheer Reinhard
Germany’s High Sea Fleet In The World War

Сайт «Военная литература» militera.lib.ru
Издание: Scheer R. Germany's High Sea Fleet In The World War, 1920.
Книга на сайте: http://militera.lib.ru/h/sheer/index.html
Книга одним файлом: http://militera.lib.ru/h/0/one/sheer.rar
Источник: War Times Journal (www.wtj.com)
Дополнительная обработка: Hoaxer (hoaxer@mail.ru)
{1} Так помечены ссылки на примечания.
WTJ: Admiral Scheer, who assumed command of the entire German High Seas Fleet in 1916, was in favor of both an aggressive surface fleet policy and unrestricted submarine warfare. On May 31, 1916, he led the German fleet into the battle of Jutland, one of the great naval battles of this century. In the battle, the German fleet performed admirably against the Royal Navy, but it was unable to change the strategic realities of the naval blockade which continued to strangle Germany. The Germans referred to Jutland as The Battle of the Skagerrak.