* По-настоящему — Резун Владимир Богданович.
Part I: The higher military leadership
Why did the Soviet Tanks not threaten Romania?
Why was the Warsaw Treaty Organisation set up later than NATO?
Why does the system of higher military control appear complicated?
Why is the make-up of the Defence Council kept secret?
The Organisation of the Soviet Armed Forces
High Commands in the Strategic Directions
Part II: Types of armed services
How the Red Army is divided in relation to its targets
The National Air Defence Forces
Why does the West consider Admiral Gorshkov a strong man?
Military Intelligence and its Resources
Why are there 20 Soviet Divisions in Germany but only 5 in Czechoslovakia?
The Organisation of the South-Western Strategic Direction
The System for Evacuating the Politburo from the Kremlin
When will we be able to dispense with the tank?
Why are Anti-tank Guns not self-propelled?
If you can't, we'll teach you; if you don't want to, we'll make you
Why does a soldier need to read a map?
How much do you drink in your spare time?
Drop in, and we'll have a chat
Who becomes a Soviet officer and why?