«Военная Литература»

Избранная библиография

Первичные источники

U.S. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

German Army Records, File T-78 (microfilm)

Roll 7, General Staff, Study on development of General Staff After the First World War, 1939.

Roll 29, General Staff, Study on Morale of German Troops, September-November 1918.

Roll 33, Wehrkreis Stuttgart, Military Library Inventory, 1923.

Roll 123, General Staff, Contains «Der Sturmangriff» by von Brandis, 1917.

Roll 152, Weapons Office, Descriptions of Foreign Equipment.

Roll 153, Weapons Office, Files on Weapons Tested and Under Development.

Roll 177, Weapons Office, Files on Weapons Testing, 1932/1933.

Roll 178, Weapons Office, Weapons Development and Supply, 1920s.

Roll 179, Weapons Office, Russian-German Cooperation, 1930.

Roll 180, Weapons Office/Wehrwirtschaft, Planning Papers on Economic Aspects of War, Late 1920s.

Roll 181, Truppenamt, Strength Studies, 1926–1937.

Roll 201, Air Office, General Staff, Study on Training and Leadership of Luftwaffe, 1934.

Roll 202, Truppenamt T-4, Freikorps and Black Reichswehr Training, 1924.

Roll 203, General Staff, World War I Documents on Training Storm Battalions.

Roll 278, Chief of Truppenamt, Training Plans, 1926–1928.

Roll 280, Truppenamt, Grenzschutz and Militia, 1927–1931.

Roll 285, Von Seeckt Papers From 1926.

Roll 370, General Staff, Lt. Col. Jodl, Tactical Lessons for General Staff Exams, 1920s.

Roll 392, Truppenamt Mobilization Appendixes, 1928–1940.

Roll 429, Allied Military Control Commission.

Roll 430, Truppenamt T-l/T-2, Mobilization Plans for a Twenty-One Division Army, 1924–1925.

Roll 441, Truppenamt T-l, Army Expansion, 1925.

Von Seeckt Papers, File M-132 (microfilm)

Roll 1, Military Correspondence, 1915–1926, and Personal Correspondence, 1919–1926.

Roll 15, Letters to Von Seeckt from Various Persons, 1919–1928. Roll 18, Letters to Von Seeckt from Senior Officers, 1915–1936. Roll 19, Letters to Von Seeckt from Senior Officers, 1915–1936.

Roll 20, World War I Battle Reports; Memoranda to Versailles Committee.

Roll 21, Correspondence Relating to Groener, Versailles, and Other Matters.

Roll 24, 1920 Study on «Germany and Russia,» 1920.

Roll 25, World War I Battle Maps and Memos on Military Matters, 1919–1926.

militararchiv der deutschen demokratischen Republik, Potsdam

Microfilm Files

Roll NF 14/255, Von Rabenau Papers; Von Seeckt on Ottoman Staff Chief.

RollNF 15/533, Reichswehr Minister, Letters and Reports, Late 1920s and early 1930s.

Archival Files

Doc. R01 70/10, Truppenamt T-3, Pamphlet on French Command and Tactics, 1927.
Doc. R 02 20/25, Saxon War Ministry, Formation and Training of Volunteer Units, 1919.
Doc. R06 10/4, Inspektionen der Waffenschulen, Late 1920s and Early 1930s.
Doc. R 11 41 10/3, Saxon War Ministry and Freiwilliger Grenzer Regt. 1, 1919–1920.
Doc. R 11 41 12/1, Freiwilliger Grenzer BN 6, Defense Plans, 1919.
Doc. R 11 41 20/5, Freiwilliger Grenzer Regt. 2, Grenzschutz Units, 1919.
Doc. R 11 41 20/7, Freiwilliger Grenzer Regt. 2, Staff Files.
Doc. R 11 41 21/4, Intelligence Files on Czechs, 1919.
Doc. R 11 41 22/7, Ministerium fur Militarwesen, Sachsen, Troop Training, 1919.
Doc. R 11 41 30/4, Freiwilliger Grenzer Regt. 3, Intelligence.
Doc. R 11 41 31/8, Saxon War Ministry, Training the Volkswehr, 1919; Files on Freiwilliger Grenzer BN 3; Volkswehr Roster, July — October1919.
Doc. W 10/50203, Reichsarchiv Historical Study on Volkskrieg, 1930s.
Doc. W 10/52110, German Intelligence Files, 1920s.
Doc. W 10/52127, German Intelligence.
Doc. W 10/52136, Maj. a.D. Karl Deuringer, «Die Niederwerfung der Rateherrschaft in Bayern, 1919,» Monograph of the Kriegsgeschichtliche Forschungsamt, 1930s.
Doc. W 10/52139, Reichsarchiv Historical Study, 1930s.
Doc. W 10/52141, Gen. Groener's Report on Strategic Situation, 1919.
Doc. W 10/52143, Reichsarchiv Historical Study, Ca. 1930.


Archival Files

Doc. N5, Nachlass Joachim Fritz Constantin von Stuelpnagel.
Doc. N33, Nachlass Werner von Fritsch.
Doc. N62, Nachlass Friedrich von Rabenau
Doc. N 107, Nachlass Oswald Lutz.
Doc. N 107/1, Nachlass Oswald Lutz.
Doc. N 107/3, Nachlass Oswald Lutz-. Notes on the Development of the Armor Force, 1925–1929.
Doc. N 154, Nachlass Ludwig von der Leyen.
Doc. N 179, Nachlass Erhard Milch.
Doc. PH 17/19, Air Service, Tactical Manual for Ground Support, 1918.
Doc. PH 17/55, Reichsarchiv, Historical Study on American Air Service, 1925.
Doc. PH 17/96, Air Service Files, 1918.
Doc. PH 17/98, Air Service, Training Plan for Aircraft in Ground Support, 1918.
Doc. RH 2/69, Army Commander's Report, 1921.
Doc. RH 2/70, Army Commander's Report, 1925.
Doc. RH 2/94, Truppenamt Correspondence File.
Doc. RH 2/101, Army Commander's Report, 1923.
Doc. RH 2/1547, Truppenamt T-3, Report on French Maneuvers, 1923 and 1924.
Doc. RH 2/1603, Truppenamt T-3, Report on British Army, 1925.
Doc. RH 2/1820, Truppenamt T-3, Officers' Reports on Foreign Visits.
Doc. RH 2/1822, Truppenamt T-3.
Doc. RH 2/1823, Truppenamt T-3, Officers' Reports on Foreign Visits
Doc. RH 2/2187, Air Organization Office Correspondence File.
Doc. RH 2/2191, Weapons Office File, 1920s
Doc. RH 2/2195, Reichsarchiv Historical Study on Air Tactics, 1918; Assorted Studies and Correspondence, 1926
Doc. RH 2/2197, Air Organization Office
Doc. RH 2/2198, Air Organization Office, Mobilization Information, Early 1920s
Doc. RH 2/2200, Weapons Office, Rearmament Programs
Doc. RH 2/2206, Weapons Office, Report on Foreign Equipment, 1925
Doc. RH 2/2207, Air Organization Office, Correspondence, 1919–1921
Doc. RH 2/2273, Air Organization Office
Doc. RH 2/2275, Air Organization Office, Tactical Studies
Doc. RH 212211, Commanders' Reports, Artillery Inspectorate, 1926
Doc. RH 2/2279, Air Organization Office, Study of Foreign Air Forces, 1926
Doc. RH 2/2291, Weapons Office, German Programs in Russia
Doc. RH 2/2299, Air Organization Office, Assorted Files and Studies, 1920s
Doc. RH 2/2822, Truppenamt T-4, War Games, 1926–1927
Doc. RH 2/2901, Air Office, Mobilization Information, 1920s; Tactical Studies
Doc. RH 2/2963, Army Commander's Report, 1920
Doc. RH 2/2987, Army Commander's Report, 1922
Doc. RH 8/v 883, Weapons Office, Inspection 6, Vehicle Development
Doc. RH 8/vl745, Weapons Office, «Die Tanks im Weltkrieg,» 1920s
Doc. RH 8/v2669, Weapons Office, Data on Large Tractor, 1927
Doc. RH 8/v2670, Weapons Office, Correspondence with Krupp, 1925–1927
Doc. RH 8/v2673, Weapons Office, Data on Light Tractor, 1930
Doc. RH 8/v2674, Weapons Office, Correspondence with Krupp, 1931/1932
Doc. RH 12–1/15, Truppenamt T-4, Officer Training, 1920s
Doc. RH 12–1/53, Air Organization Office, Includes Tactical Studies, 1920s
Doc. RH 12–2/21, Army Commander, Correspondence, 1924–1925
Doc. RH 12–2/22, Army Commander, Correspondence with Weapons Office, 1919–1926
Doc. RH 12–2/51, Truppenamt T-3, Reports and Correspondence on Foreign Armies
Doc. RH 12–2/54, Heeresinspektionen and T-4 Files, Officer Training, 1920s. Infantry Inspectorate, Reports, 1920s
Doc. RH 12–2/66, Army Commander Correspondence,
Doc. RH 12–2/94, Reports from Inspectorates, 1920–1927
Doc. RH 12–2/95, Truppenamt T-4, Wehrkreispruefung, 1928; Winter Exercises 1928/1929
Doc. RH 12–2/100, Infantry Inspectorate, Reports, 1924–1935
Doc. RH 12–2/101, Reports from Branch Schools, Beginning in 1925
Doc. RH 12–2/150, Weapons Office, Reports on Weapons Tests, 1918–1924

Личные дела

Konstantin von Altrock

Wilhelm Brandt

Kurt Hesse

Ernst Juenger

Friedrich von Taysen

Ernst Volckheim


«Geschichte des I/J-R. 65.» Ca. 1936–37. Crerar Collection, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario. Holt Manufacturing Company. «The Caterpillar Track-Type Tractor in the World War.» Ca. 1919. U.S. Army Museum, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, Maryland.

Smith, Truman. «The Papers of Truman Smith.» U.S. Army War College Library, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania.

Немецкие официальные документы

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Heeresdienstvorschrift 487. Fuhrung und Gefecht der verbundenen Waff en. Berlin: Verlag Offene Worte, 1921, 1923, 1925.

F.H. Felddienst: Handbuch fur Unterfuehrer aller Waffen. Berlin: Verlag Offene Worte, 1924.

Franzosische Truppenfuehrung. Vorscbrift fur die taktische Verwendung der gros-sen Verbande. Berlin: Verlag Offene Worte, 1937.

German Army. «Studie eines Offiziers uber die Fliegerwaffe und ihre Verwendung.» Ca. 1925.

Heeresdienstvorschrift 300. Truppenfuehrung. Part 1 (1933); Part 2 (1934).

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Kampfwagen und Heeresmotorisierung 1924/1925. Berlin: R. Eisenschmidt Verlag, 1926.

Kommandierender General der Luftstreitkrafte. Weisungen fur den Einsatz und die Verwendung von Fliegerverbanden innerhalb einer Armee. N.p.: General-stab des Feldheeres, May 1917.

Koniglich — Preussisches Kriegsministerium. Verordnung uber die Ausbildung der Truppen fur den Felddienst und uber die grbsseren Truppenubungen. Berlin: Konigliche Hofdruckerei, June 1870.

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Вторичные источники

Книги и статьи, опубликованные до второй мировой войны

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Challener, Richard D., ed. United States Military Intelligence. Vols. 23–26. New York: Garland, 1978.

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Книги и статьи, опубликованные после Второй мировой войны

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