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Agricultural ceremonies in Natal and Zululand. Bantu Studies, vol. III.

Bird J. The Annals oj Natal. 1495–1845. Pietermaritzburg, 1888.

Вryant A. Olden Times in Zululand and Natal. L., 1929.

Delegorque A. Voyage dans l'Afrique Australe, notamment dans le ter-ritoire de Natal, dans celui des Cafres Amazoulous et Makatisses, el jusqu'au tropique de Capricorne, execute durant les annees 1838, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843 et 1844. Paris, 1847.

Dhlоmо R. R. -R. U. Shaka. Pietermaritzburg, 1929.

Finn H. F. The Diary. Pietermaritzburg, 1965.

Harris W. C. The Wild Sports in South Africa; being the Narrative of a Hunting Expedition from the Cape of Good Hope, through the Territories of the Chiel Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn. L., 1844.

Isaacs N. Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa, Descriptive of the Zoolus, their Manners. Customs etc. etc. with a Sketch of Natal. Vol. I-II. L., 1836.

Krige E. J. The Social System of the Zulus. Pietermaritzburg, 1950.

Mackeurtan G. The Cradle Days of Natal. L., 1930.

M of fat R. Visit to Moselekatse, King of the Matabele. — Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. Vol. XXVI. 1856.

Moodie D. South African Annals. 1652–1795. Vol. II. The Natal Kafirs. Pietermaritzburg, 1950.

Russell R. Natal. The Land and its Story: a Geography and History for the Use of Schools. Pietermaritzburg, 1891.

Samnelson R. G. Long, long ago. Durban, 1929.

Stuart J. 'U-Hlanga Kulu. L., 1924.
