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I wish to thank Col. John F. Sloan, editor of The International Military Encyclopedia (TIME), for his continuous support of this project, without which it could never have succeeded. Much credit is also due to Professor James Goff of Mankato State University in Mankato, Minnesota, and to his research assistant Kathryn Newsome. The treatise set forth by Professor Goff in appendix A contains new and important information on Soviet order of battle and deployment in 1941. Rob Conway of Washington, D.C., was a valuable guide for me in the National Archives. In particular, his discovery of the index to German general staff intelligence records was an important milestone. I also wish to thank Robert Wolfe, Chief of the National Archives, Modern Military Branch, and his assistant George Wagner for their help and timely advice. Valuable support was provided also by David R. Jones, editor of The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History, and by Dr. Jack Cross of the Center for Strategic Technology at Texas A & M University.

Finally, I want to express special appreciation to Frau Hilde Rittelmeyer, president of the Federation of German American Clubs who, in conjunction with the University of Texas at Austin, graciously provided me a stipend for study at the German Federal Military Archives in Freiburg. [XIX]
